1) neenu naanu olle jodi
maduthiruve nanna mele neenu modi
neenu naanu olle jodi
maduthiruve nanna mele neenu modi
ashtaralli banda namma maava,
hodenu naanu odi odi.
This one is for machi.
2) Machi neenu thumba sacchi,
machi neenu thumba sacchi,
adre iruvudu ninage DIL hecchi hecchi.
3) Neenu super duperrr, Neenu super duperr,
ninna ittu tegadre picture, adu blockbuster.
4) Gudugu Minchu Haakithu Sanchu,
Gudugu Mincu Haakithu Sanchu,
Maadalu Doora Nammibarannu Inch-u Inch-u.
Friday, May 18, 2007
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Labels: Shayri
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Happiness, sadness
I never saw where I was going. I just went along wherever life took me. If given a chance relive my life, I wouldn’t want to change a thing. No regrets is my policy.
At times, you’re sad for some reason. Your sadness spreads to others very soon. If somebody comes to cheer you, take their happiness and let go of your sorrows. It’ll be good for you and to others around you.
Let sadness be a step on which you can place your foot and move forward towards happiness.
Don’t make sadness your final destination.
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Labels: Thoughts
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
A desire to do so many things.
But as always, there s always a shortage of time.
Whenever, you are doing anything that’s interesting, time just flies by.
And boring stuff just seem go on and on till eternity.
Just remember a class in which you had to sit for one whole hour. The lecturer mumbling something about signals and systems. And you’d be signaling to your friend’s waiting outside the class to wait until the class got over. Also precisely at that time, somehow the clock slower than usual. That’s the most frustrating point in college. But blink and time just flies by.
Imagine this, it’s 12.45. You’re in a lecture that end’s at 1. You have a movie to watch at 1.30. The lecturer throws caution to the wind and continues to take class till 1.15 Those 30 minutes will seem to be the longest time of your life. Don’t they?
Also, when you have your lunch break, and it seems like you just entered the canteen and it’s time for the next class.
The double standards of time can be quite interesting at time.
Sometimes can be irritating as well. Weekend’s finish even before they started. Whereas work seems to be around for ever and ever.
You go on a weekend getaway, it feels like time is racing against us.
Most of the times, time itself wins.
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Saturday, May 5, 2007
Desperate Choices
There’s always a given point of time when you wanna do something desperately and you don’t get the chance to.
It happens a lot of times to everybody, is my guess.
Not that I’m a psychologist or anything near to that.
However, considering that I’m a normal person in this totally abnormal world, I consider myself as saying what is happening to everybody.
Think about it, when you were in college you might have wanted to do a lot things.
For example, If you are guy, you might have wanted to take a girl out on a date and vice versa.
Considering the fact, that I’ve spent most of my time in college with hostelites, I know for a fact that none of the guys had money to spend lavishly.
So, the first reason as to why your idea might have failed.
The basic funda behind guys/girls not going behind girls/guys could be:
1) When you are in college, and upto some point of time after college, friends are your life. Anything that your friends don’t like is not at all acceptable.
2) The rest of the things are at the moment out of focus as in a telescope without any focus.
The other things are you desperately want to study and the moment you pick up your book, behold, the KEB thinks it’s high time they removed power.
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